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    How to delete Uncategorized Category on WordPress

    When I started my WordPress Blogging I noticed a thing that every post is being included in the category names Uncategorized. This became annoying to me after some days. Because I forgot to select a category when I am posting an article. And the big thing is when I tried to delete this category I found myself unable to that. I saw there are no option to delete the category Uncategorized.

    After some days I found the way to delete this category and today I will show you how to delete this.

    Change your default post category

    Go to Settings>Writing. You will see an option Default Post with Category in heading.

    Your post will be auto-categorized by this default category if you forget to select it when you are publishing a content. You can’t delete the category you are using as default.

    Now change your category to another one replacing Uncategorized.
    Save your settings.

    Delete the Uncategorized category

    As you changed your default category to another now you will see the option to delete Uncategorized. Go to Post> Category page and delete it simply.

    Don’t be worried about your contents on the uncategorized category. Contents from this category will automatically shift to the new default category.

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